Cake, Drunkenness, Food, Photography

Lizzie’s Steampunk Assassin 30th birthday

DSC_0060After much deliberation, Lizzie decided on a “steampunk assassin” theme for her thirtieth birthday party.  Once the theme was announced, construction of costumes and decorations began.  Lizzie got very excited when she ordered a bespoke cake from Glitter and Sparkle Cakes with a steampunk theme. Continue reading

Food, Holiday, Photography, Travel

Dublin trip with Lizzie

DSC_0034For her twenty-somethingth birthday, Lizzie decided that she would like to go away with her boyfriend (that’s me by the way) for a couple of days.  So we booked a couple of days off work and started to look at destinations.  We quickly ruled out winter sun destinations as too expensive for a 2 night trip and started looking at European city breaks.  We eventually settled on Dublin as neither of us had been to Ireland before and there were some good deals on flights.  We booked a hotel and a restaurant for her birthday dinner and all was set. Continue reading


Movie Ramblings – Kill List

Kill List is a British movie about a family coping with unemployment in the current period of economic recession. It is also a story about contract killers and the shadowy forces that control them and it is about relationships and the things people do to make them work or mess them up.  I really enjoyed this film and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it so this will probably be a brief ramble so I don’t give away plot.

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