DIY, Houses, Photography

Bathroom Fixing 2

A quick post to give some insight into my absence from my regular movie and Japan blogging: we’ve been renovating the bathroom. Tiling is a lot harder than I anticipated, especially when all my walls point in different directions! Getting closer to the point where I can put the bath and shower in and start using it as a bathroom again.

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DIY, Houses

Bathroom fixing 1

I’ve been taking a break from blogging about our trip to Japan to demolish and rebuild part of our bathroom. This has been quite a bit trickier than expected, you never know what you are going to find under old tiles and floorboards! Hopefully I’ll get back to more or less daily Japan updates soon but as you can see from the pictures below, there is still quite a bit of bathroom work to be done!

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DIY, Houses, Photography

Decorating/DIY Back Bedroom

Over the last year and a bit I have spent a lot of my time decorating 3 bedrooms in my house.  I tried to do as much as I could myself* and documented a lot of it with the intention of blogging about the steps as I went along.  You may have already seen my earlier post about decorating the front bedroom.  This post covers what I did next, which was decorating the back bedroom.

*by this I mean of course with lots of help from friends and family rather than having to get professionals in.

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DIY, Houses, Photography

Decorating/DIY Front Bedroom

Over the last year and a bit I have spent a lot of my time decorating 3 bedrooms in my house.  I tried to do as much as I could myself* and documented a lot of it with the intention of blogging about the steps as I went along.  Obviously I didn’t get round to doing this.  Here is a summary of the process of decorating the front bedroom with pictures.

*by this I mean of course with lots of help from friends and family rather than having to get professionals in.

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